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FAQs about divorce law

On Behalf of | Nov 12, 2022 | Family Law

Family law is hard to understand. Divorce laws are particularly complex. After all, each divorce case is going to be different. This fact is probably going to leave you with a lot of questions about your case. Fortunately, you can apply a few points to most situations.

Here are some general answers to frequently asked questions about divorce law. Remember that each answer might change slightly depending on your situation.

Do you need legal representation during a divorce?

It is a good idea to get legal representation during a divorce. This individual can help protect your rights. They can also help you understand the current laws surrounding child custody, marital property and other issues that will come up.

How do you find this type of representation?

Referrals from family and friends are a great way to find your needed help. You can also check your state bar association to see a list of local legal representatives.

Do you need to show grounds for a divorce?

North Carolina is a no-fault state. That means you do not have to show proof of marital misconduct to get a divorce. In other words, you do not blame your spouse for the divorce. Instead, you can blame it on incompatibility or a similar issue. Often physical separation is a common situation in North Carolina. Therefore, while you do not need to make any statements, you can still obtain a divorce if your spouse commits marital misconduct, such as adultery or cruelty.

In the end, your representative should analyze your case because your situation might differ. However, these answers will help you understand how divorce law can apply to you.